Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Energy Hogs!

Check out this web site and hunt down the energy hogs! There are loads of brilliant activities that wil help to give you a better understanding of how you can make a difference to the environment and save energy at home and school. here are a few activities you might like to try, such as keeping and energy diary. For those of you who enjoy playing with numbers - there is a section where you can log the amount of power your home uses each month. Show this to your parents, try the games... HUNT DOWN THOSE ENERGY HOGS!

Chiang Mai information

The year is zipping past... it will son be time for our annual Year 6 Thailand trip.

If you or you rparents need to find out information, watch the slide show presentation or watch a few videos from last year... look in the "stuff" folder and you will see a Chiang Mai folder. Keep looking in this spot from time to time for copies of letters etc about the trip

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


This week we begin our new science topic; FORCES.

During this topic you will learn:
- how we measure forces
- the differnece between weight and mass
- more about gravity
- friction is a measureable force
- about air resistance and upthrust
- how to plan and conduct a fair test related to forces.